
Financial Crises and Financial Intermediation

Household Finance

Behavioural Economics & Finance

  • The Longshot Bias is a Context Effect, with Andrew Meyer - Forthcoming, Management Science

  • Anchoring to Industry Multiples in IPO Pricing, with Sami Torstila

    • Best Quantitative Paper Award, Behavioral Finance Working Group 2018 Conference, Queen Mary University of London

    • Inspired by contrast effects and the common practice of using industry comparables to price new issues, we test for anchoring of initial equity valuations to peer valuation multiples and find novel predictability of IPO under/overpricing.

    • Earlier versions of this work (2015 and prior) circulated at Yale and on SSRN under the title "Compare and Contrast."

  • Long-run Planners Live Longer, with Joe Gladstone

Older Research in Computer Science